by | Sep 11, 2024

Back in January Martyn had to cease playing football after suffering severe migraines and having a subsequent operation to remove a cyst on his brain.

Martyn had known about the cyst but was told it was never a problem previously, however it was now starting to cause problems with the flow of fluid in his brain which was the cause of his migraines. The doctors required him to go in for surgery urgently as the cyst could cause sudden death if not removed.

Thankfully his operation was a success and after a long period of recovery, Martyn has been given the all clear to resume playing.

Manager Steve Wilkes was delighted to welcome Martyn back to the club.

“So pleased to see Jacko back to full health, which is the most important thing,” he said.

“We won’t rush him back into action but it’s like signing a new player and also a great addition to the squad.”

It’s great to see you back, Jacko!